Command Line Interface vs Graphical User Interface

1 min readMar 10, 2021

I’m having a hard time conceptualising on a CLI after growing up GUI. Text is hard! Characters are hard! Pictures: easy. Drag and drop: easy.

Linux: “Everything is a file.”
Me: “??!”

The other thing that’s tricky is that I don’t get immediate feedback that I’ve successfully completed a command. Linux is, apparently, “so efficient” that if you do something right you don’t need notification that you’ve done it right. Which, ok so the logical inverse of that is Linux only notifies you when your command doesn’t work. Linux, I don’t know if you’ve met me, but I don’t respond well to only negative feedback. I need that little dopamine kick, the pat-on-my-head, the good-job-why-yes-you-did-just-successfully-change-the-permissions-on-that-file-with-a-swift-chmod 400.

Onwards and upwards, eh. Or, as my favourite superhero says, up and at them.

Radioactive man tied to a pole with goggles, about to scream ‘my eyes! The goggles do nothing!’ From The Simpsons




Write about what you like. Things I am interested in: tech! feminism! the environment! digital comms! empathy! psychology! post-capitalism!